
Community Land Use Planning Committee (CLUPC)

Coming Soon!

We are in the process of starting a CLUPC organization…

Rough Rock Veterans Organization

Rex Redhair, RRVO Commander

Lyren Nelwood, RRVO Vice Commander

, RRVO Secretary/ Treasurer

Jim Phillips, Representative

Veteran’s Organization Meeting is scheduled every 2nd Sunday of each month at the Senior Center.

Grazing Committee

Lorene Yazzie., District 10 Grazing Representative

Contact Number: (928) 429-9545

Senior Center

Rough Rock Senior Center Staff:

Queenie James – Site Supervisor  
VACANT– Driver

Senior Center Phone Number:
(928) 728-3100

Senior Center Hours:

Office Open: 8:00 am- 5:00 pm (varies)
Breakfast Served From: 8:30am- 9:30am (Tuesday & Thursday)
Lunch Served From: 11:30am- 12:30pm (daily)

Meals are Offered to Elders from Age 60+ for Free. Need to Submit Application for Registration with Supervisor.

Elders are Welcome to visit, Eat, Socialize at the Senior Center. 

Activies avaliable are: Crafting, Exercising, Dancing, Movies, beading, booklet making, sewing, cutting out patterns, decorations, weaving, crotcheting, story telling, & etc.

Coffee & Tea offered for Elders

Showers free for Elders


Contact Phone number: (928) 728-3214

Azee’ Bee Nahagha’ of Dine Nation

Rough Rock Chapter

Alban Jones, President

Charles Yazzie, Vice-President

Tamara Ben, Secretary /Treasurer

ABNDN Organization Meeting is scheduled every 3rd Sunday of each month at the Chapter House

We have a variety of organization such as:

  • CLUPC (Coming soon)
  • Veteran’s Organization
  • Grazing Committee
  • Senior Center
  • Headstart